Thursday, January 27, 2011

THE DEADLIFT: A Great Exercise for Building Raw Horsepower

The deadlift is one of the three power lifts. It is also a great exercise for building total-body strength and power. It is an excellent predictor of performance in high-power movement such as jumping, sprinting, and throwing. However, this exercise can cause injury if done incorrectly. Michael Hales from Kenneshaw State University in Georgia said that the two greatest problems during the conventional style deadlift is excessive trunk lean and premature knee extension at the start of the lift. Most lifters find it easier to maintain a safe spine position during the sumo style of deadlifting.

The choice of deadlift style should consider the athlete's body type. For example, those with long torsos and short arms might prefer the sumo style, while those with long torsos and long arms might be more successful with the conventional technique. Done incorrectly, deadlifts can potentially cause serious injury. Seek the advice of an experienced coach before doing this lift.

(Strength and Conditioning Journal, 32(4): 44-51, 2010)

Homemade Sugar-Free Maple Syrup

Makes 1 cup
Serving size 2 tbs

-1 cup boiling water
-up to 2 cups sugar substitute (ie Stevia Granular)
-2 tsp cornstarch or other thickener (add more if needed)
-1 tsp maple extract

Bring 3/4 cup water to a boil. Add sugar. Stir remaining 1/4 cup water and thickener together in a small cup. Add to pot and boil, stirring constantly to avoid clumps. Remove from heat and add maple extract. Keep in a sealed container until needed. Store in fridge.

-Calories: 3
-Total Fat 0g
-Cholesterol 0mg
-Sodium 0.06mg
-Total Carbohydrate 0.61g
-Dietary Fiber 0.01g
-Sugars 0g
-Protein 0g

Question of the Week:
Q: How important are the warm-up and cool-down portions of a workout?

Warm-up and cool-down activities should be an essential part of all exercise programs.
The purpose of warm-up activities is to prepare the body, especially the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, for the conditioning or stimulus phase of the exercise session. The cool-down phase assures that venous return to the heart is maintained in the face of significant amounts of blood going to the previously working muscles.
Light aerobic endurance activities, coupled with activities, provide the fundamental basis for both the warm-up and cool-down phases. The length of the warm-up and cool-down periods depends on several factors, including the type of activity engaged in during the conditioning period, the level of intensity of those activities, and the age and fitness level of the participant.
In general, the warm-up and cool-down phases should last approximately five to ten minutes each. If the individual has less time available to work out than usual, it is recommended that the time allotted for the conditioning phase of the workout be reduced, while retaining sufficient time for both the warm-up and cool-down phases.

Bryant, Cedric

"Sports do not build character. They reveal it."
-John Wooden

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Do You Need a Personal Trainer?

6 Reasons a trainer may be right for you.
Personal trainers aren't for everyone, but a trainer provides certain benefits that you can't find when working out on your own. Here are ten reasons a personal trainer may be right for you.

1.) Motivation
One of the main reasons people benefit from a personal trainer is that they loss motivation to stick with a consistent exercise program. Certified personal trainers can provide structure and accountability, and help you develop a lifestyle that encourages health.

2.) Individualized program
If you have any chronic health conditions, injuries or training goals (running a marathon, for example) a trainer will work with you and your health care provider to plan a safe, efficient program that considers these needs and enable you to reach your health goals.

3.) Efficiency
Personal Trainers help you focus on results and stop wasting your time doing inefficient workouts. A personal trainer has a plan and will help you get maximum results in minimum time.

4.) Improve technical skills
If you play a particular sport, the right personal trainer will help you improve your skill by
showing you new training techniques specific to your sport. The Trainer will incorporate skills training into your program so you improve not only your strength and endurance, but your agility and mental focus as well.

5.) Break through plateaus
Ok, you are already in pretty decent shape, but you've been there for years. If you are stuck in the same routine and want to break out of a rut, a personal trainer is the perfect solution. A trainer will jump start, not only your motivation, but your routine as well.

6.) Lose Weight
There is a good reason that the number one reason people hire personal trainers is to lose weight and get into shape -- it works. If you made a resolution to lose the fat and build the muscle, a trainer can keep you on track and help you realize that goal.

Before you hire a personal trainer you should make sure that they have the proper qualifications to tend to your needs or to achieve your goals.Make sure that you should feel comfortable with the trainer, his/her style of communication and the expectations of your time together.

Elizabeth Quinn

Meat eaters gain more weight over time

Roughly 66 percent of Americans are overweight or obese. A six-year British study showed that excessive meat consumption might be a contributing factor. Researchers examined the dietary patterns of 100,000 men and 270,000 women in countries across Europe. People who ate the most meat gained more weight during the study, even when controlling for caloric consumption.

Weight gain was proportional to the amount of meat consumed. People gained an additional 4 pounds for every 9-ounce increase in average daily meat consumption. This study did not support the popular idea that increasing protein intake promotes long-term weight control. Reducing meat consumption might help prevent weight gain.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92:398-407, 2010

Question of the Week:
Q: What is VO2 max and why is it important?
A: If you increase the intensity of exercise, a number of things happen in your body. A rise occurs in heart rate, respiration, and oxygen intake, as well as in the activity levels of other parts of your oxygen delivery and utilization (aerobic) systems.
A point occurs, however, beyond which oxygen intake cannot increase, even though more work is being performed. At this point, you have reached a level that is commonly referred to as VO2 max or maximal oxygen uptake. VO2 max is considered to be the best single indicator of aerobic fitness, since it involves the optimal ability of three major systems (pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscular) of your body to take in, transport, and utilize oxygen.
Thus, the higher your VO2 max, the greater your level of physical working capacity.

Bryant, Cedric

"A true champion is someone who wants to make a difference, who never gives up, and who gives everything he has no matter what the circumstances are"

-Dot Richardson

Thursday, January 13, 2011

5 Ways to Approach Your Fitness Resolutions in 2011

1.) Break your goals down into something that you will achieve the outcome versus the broad goal itself. Take get fit and weight loss on their own they seem easy enough but these two goals are way too broad to ever be achieved. Instead set a resolution to do a 10km race or a triathlon. These goals are achievable and defined and by doing them you will achieve the goal of getting fit and losing weight as well as you start the lifestyle change needed for long term success.

2.) Get up an hour earlier and hit the gym. You usually can count the number of people at the gym at 5:30 AM on 2 hands or less. Knock your workout out before the sun rises and that is one less thing you have to worry about doing all day.

3.) Get a workout buddy. Meet people online, at the gym, at work that want to meet some new fitness goal and start pushing each other. When one of you doesn't want to workout, the other should "force" them to.

4.) Don't allow any eating out except one meal a week. How hard is this? Not really when you think about it. Just DON'T do it. Sure, getting up and running is easy to get out of. But not allowing yourself to eat out is EXTREMELY SIMPLE. The Anti-Nike Slogan comes in handy: Just don't do it.

5.) Make small goals. Try losing a pound in the next 5 days. Then 3 pounds in the next two weeks. Then on...and on...and on...

I hope these help you all stay focused on such an important resolution.

Eat a Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is high in vegetables and unsaturated fatty acids. Common foods include pasta, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, nuts, and red wine. People living in the Mediterranean countries have the lowest heart disease rates and greatest longevity in the world. Diet may play an important role in their excellent health.

A large study of nearly 500,000 men and women age 25 - 70 years living in 10 European countries found a reduced risk of abdominal obesity in people who followed the Mediterranean diet. The relationship was strongest in men from northern European countries. People living in France, Norway and Sweden were the thinnest, while those living in Greece and Spain were the fattest. Europeans were considerably leaner than Americans. The Mediterranean diet has positive effects on metabolic health and preventing obesity.

(Journal Nutrition, 139:1-10, 2009)

Question of the Week:

Q: Will I lose body fat more efficiently by performing my aerobic workouts at a low, rather than a high, intensity?

A: Many aerobic exercise programs and videos feature low-intensity workouts which surport to maximize fat burning. The argument behind such an alleged theory is that low-intensity aerobic training will allow your body to use more fat as an energy source, thereby accelerating the loss of body fat.

While it is true that a higher proportion of calories burned during low-intensity exercise come from fat (about 60 % as opposed to approximately 35 % from high-intensity programs), high-intensity exercise still burns more calories from fat in the final analysis. For example, if you perform 30 min of low-intensity aerobic exercise (i.e., at a level of 50 % of maximal exercise capacity), you'll burn approximately 200 calories - about 120 of those come from fat (i.e., 60 %).

However, exercising for the same amount of time at a high intensity (i.e., 75 % of your maximal exercise capacity) will burn approximately 400 calories. Using a 35 % fat utilization yardstick, 140 of the calories you've burned will have come from stored fat.

Although the more vigorous exercise burns both more total and more fat calories, the less intense form of exercise has its benefits as well. For example, because many overweight people tend to find that lower-intensity exercise is more comfortable, they may, therefore, be willing to engage in such workouts. The point to remember is that low-intensity workouts do, in fact, promote weight and fat loss. You just have to do them for a longer period of time.
Low-intensity aerobic exercise, however, is not a better or more effective way to lose weight than more intense physical activity - the idea of a "fat-burning zone" is simply a myth.

Keep in mind that you lose weight and body fat when you expend more calories than you consume, not because you burn fat (or anything else) when you exercise.

Bryant, Cedric

Monday, January 3, 2011

ADULTS: Ready to be SHOCKED?

- Build Strength
- Increase Endurance
- Develop and Tone Muscles
- Increase Metabolism
- Shed Unwanted Body Fat
- Improve Agility and Balance

Come work out for FREE ON:
Jan 5-7th at
Mornings: 5:30am
Evenings: 5:30pm
***No Regestration Needed**Just Show Up**Bring a Friend***

Exclusively offered at Athletic Republic

707 N 30th Street
Monroe, Louisiana 71203