Wednesday, October 27, 2010

12 Best Ways To Lose Stomach Fat Fast ...steps 7-12

7. Get more sleep ...
If you are not sleeping at least 7-8 hours per night you will find it difficult to find the energy to work out and eat well. Studies show people who are constantly tired have slower metabolisms. So, make sure you get a good night sleep every night!

8. Cut down or eliminate alcohol consumption ...
Because of alcohols effects on the liver, drinking alcoholic drinks slows down the body's natural fat burning process. An occasional glass of red wine is probably the best option as not only is it low-carb but it has some other health benefits.

9. Take the long way ...
Try to resist taking short cuts in order to increase your movement and metabolism. Park in the space furthest away from the entrance, take the stairs instead of the list and when possible walk and leave the car at home. See other great ideas on how you can burn more calories during the day!

10. Reduce your salt intake ...
Excessive consumption of salt makes the body retain water. This makes the abdomen appear bloated. We can get enough salt from our diet without needing to add it to our food. Also junk food contains a lot of salt and is best eliminated in order to lose excess stomach fat.

11. Avoid stress ...
You may find it surprising but stress can cause weight gain. Not just because we are more like to comfort eat, but when our body detects stress it releases a lot of hormones that cause changes in metabolism. Bad news for belly fat. See how you can become stress-free with these 5 Easy and Cheap Techniques to Beat Stress.

12. Stay motivated!
Have a think about what could help you stay motivated. Keeping a food diary, joining an exercise class or rewarding yourself for small successes are great ways to keep you on your toes. But most importantly, if you do hit a low, don't punish yourself or binge. Just start afresh and keep a picture of those dream abs handy!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I really like the Mia Ham Quote at the top. It pretty much sums it up, on why you should train. Training for Soccer is more than just kicking a soccer ball around - it's about improving your overall athleticism. In today's era of sports, athletes are so much more developed in overall athleticism. We see it all the time where the athletes who have more speed, more power, more strength, better agility, and a faster reaction time dominant their opponent and sport. The most athletic athletes are not necessarily the most skillful athletes. What they lack in soccer skill they make up for with speed; being the first one to the loose ball; stronger and quicker which allows them to defend better. The good news is that athleticism can be developed in the hands of a skilled Sports Performance Coach.

The first step that needs to be taken when developing a better athlete is to define athleticism. I define athleticism as "the ability to use a variety of motor abilities (strength, power, speed, agility, coordination, stability, flexibility, balance, energy system.) to effectively and efficiently perform a wide variety of sporting actions." Athleticism is not just one component. You can not just train speed nor can you just get stronger. The training program must be designed so that all the motor abilities (strength, power, speed, agility, coordination, stability, flexibility, balance, energy system) are being trained in a systematic way that progresses the athlete to a more improved athlete.

One of the biggest mistakes we make when training athleticism is that we put athletes in groups of 20 or more. How can true athleticism be achieved if every athlete is doing the same drill and or progression? Yes, their will be some improvement in athleticism but in the end, athletes will not be allowed to reach their real potential. It is very hard to give feedback to each and every athlete during the training session. When the groups are big, the tempo must be high so that athletes are not just standing around, which means that some athletes will be neglected. Usually the neglected athletes are the ones you struggle with each drill and tend to be the last ones in each line.

Athletic Republic of North Louisiana: Monroe & Shreveport recognizes that a training program must be individualized. Our groups are no bigger than 5 athletes per coach and with team training the ratio is 6 athletes per coach. Every athlete/team is tested before their training sessions begins. The data that we collect from our test allows us to develop a training program that will be tailored and specific to the needs of each and every athlete.

The Soccer Speed Program that we have at ARNLA is dedicated to developing true athleticism in your soccer player or team. Click Here to see some soccer specific training going on at our Monroe Facility.

For more info about setting up your athlete or team for 2 FREE training sessions call:

AR Shreveport 318.869.1600

AR Monroe 318.323.1613

Monday, October 18, 2010

ARE FEMALE STUDENT-ATHLETES getting the attention they need to be successful in their sport?

Male and female athletes may spend their time on different playing fields, but the way athletic budgets are often set up leaves many wondering when female athletes will have a fair shot at succeeding on the field. After Title IX was passed in 1972 and fully enforced in the 1980s, it was meant to give female athletes and their sports more control in a male-dominated industry. Since the 1990s, even more laws have been passed to give female athletes equity in athletic programs, specifically handling female scholarships, facilities, scheduling and other forms of athletic support. Despite all the efforts for a lot of female athletes are neglected in their athletic development which results in female student-athletes not reaching their true ATHLETIC POTENTIAL and/or a CAREER ENDING INJURY .

It is SAD to say, but we are not taking care, we are not developing and we are not paying enough attention to our female student-athletes. Female student-athletes have 4 to 10 times more ACL injuries than male student-athletes have. The reasons for the different rates of injury in male and female are not clear, but some theories include differences in anatomy, physiology, knee alignment, and/or ligament laxity. To be honest with you, those theories are probably true; but can we really change the anatomy and physiology of the female student-athlete? No! The best prevent/reduction measure we can do is to offer our female student-athletes the same (if not better) SPORTS PERFORMANCE TRAINING program we offer to our male student-athletes.

Do you have daughter that plays sports, and is she prepared for the season? Would you like to find out? If so come into your local Athletic Republic for an Athletic Assessment. This
assessment will allow us to screen you daughter's "energy leaks" and determine if she is fit to play.

AR Shreveport: 318.869.1600

AR Monroe: 318.3231613

Monday, October 11, 2010

With profound simplicity, Coach John Wooden redefines success and urges us all to pursue the best in ourselves. In this inspiring talk he shares the advice he gave his players at UCLA, quotes poetry and remembers his father's wisdom. I hope you enjoy this interview on Ted Tv with Coach Wooden as he talks about true success.

Click Here to view the interview with Coach Wooden

Friday, October 8, 2010

12 Best Ways To Lose Stomach Fat Fast ...steps 1-6

We all have our problem areas, and few of us are ever really satisfied with our shape. However, by taking some simple steps we can improve our body shape, health and general well being. Not only is belly fat unsightly but it has been scientifically linked to many health problems such as bloating, heartburn, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia. And you thought having a muffin top was the worst part! The good news is there are a number of ways to reduce belly fat, to feel more attractive and avoid those scary health risks.
Let me outline twelve steps to take for fat loss to take the belly down a notch!

1. You need to eat more meals and more often!
Don't get too excited because at the same time you need to reduce the size of your portions. Eating 5-6 small meals per day will first of all prevent you from binging or overeating at meal times and it also keeps your metabolism running as it is constantly burning up food.

2. Never skip breakfast ...
If you don't eat after many hours of sleeping your body goes into "˜starvation mode'. This is bad news for shedding belly fat as it slows your metabolism down in an effort to save energy and burn less calories. In fact a lot of dietitians advise that the best breakfast is a heavy one.
3. Carefully monitor the food you are eating ...
Try to eat more fat burning foods such as: brown rice, whole grains, vegetables, natural fruits, skimmed milk, lean poultry or meat, seafood and egg whites. I'm sure you already know all the ones to avoid as they are likely to be your favorites! The list includes: pizzas, burgers, deep fried foods, bakery foods, fatty meats and all products that contain lots of sugar.

4. Eat slowly ...
Get into the habit of taking smaller bites and chewing them slowly. By doing this you will avoid overeating and bloating.

5. Do the most effective exercise efficiently ...
Cardiovascular exercises are the ones that get your heart thumping and the fat burning, so cardio workouts such as brisk walking, jogging, aerobics and cycling are best for slimming your stomach. If you exercise before breakfast your body will burn the excess fat in your body as there is no food available to burn, making it the best time to burn off that belly fat.

6. Drink, drink and drink again!
Keeping your body hydrated is essential to losing belly fat as if you are dehydrated your liver won't function and the fat burning process won't be as effective. Drink lots of water and also hot green tea neutralizes the effects of fatty foods.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crack Down on Cravings

Don't let your hankering for chocolate and cheese sideswipe your otherwise clean diet. Find out how to fight back and win the daily challenge!
There is some debate about what causes cravings but the most plausible reason is grounded in how food affects the brain. Some of the most commonly desired foods affect our brains like drugs, sugar and chocolate both cause the brain to release opiates. By stimulating our brain's pleasure center, these foods cause us to make the connection between them and a slight euphoria, leading us to seek them out for a repeat performance---we become addicted.

1. Eat Breakfast
A high-fiber morning meal will prevent hunger-induced binging later on because low-cal fiber staves off hunger pains longer with soluble fiber (found in oats and fruit) and insoluble fiber (found in whole grains). For example, add a tablespoon of natural peanut butter (protein) to your whole grain bagel (fiber and complex carbohydrates).

2. Strip Temptation
Clean all unhealthy food from your fridge and cupboards, making sure to keep them well stocked with healthy alternatives to your most common cravings. The best foods to have on hand register love on the glycemic index such as pears, low-fat cottage cheese, and black beans.

3. Meal Time
To make sure that hunger doesn't get the best of you, eat small meals every three to four hours. Another strategy to avoid overindulging is to remove all distractions while eating. Keep the television from the kitchen and you'll keep from feeling as though you are hungry every time you watch your favorite shows.

4. Dear Diary
Tracking your eating habits by writing them down can help you to gain a better understanding of when and why you get cravings. To maximize the benefit for each entry write down the date, time of day, what you ate, how much, how hungry you were before you ate and how satisfied you were afterward. By doing this you'll be able to assess your eating patterns, plan good habits and create less opportunity for bad ones.

5. Falling off the Wagon
Even if you do fall to your cravings don't sweat it, instead figure out where you went wrong and what you can do about it. Instead of making a commitment to cut out all carbohydrates and sweets cold turkey, give yourself a month to switch to whole wheat bread and stop eating chocolate. But remember, it takes time, practice and persistence before your new ways become the way you live life.
Oxygen Magazine
Myth: Skipping meals can help lose weight

Many people think that by skipping a meal, they will be eating less food and therefore lose weight. As we now know, this is a nutrition myth. People who think skipping meals means weight loss do not understand how our bodies work.
If you skip a meal, your body will think that you are in starvation mode and therefore slow down the metabolism to compensate. You then tend to overeat at the next meal. Often, skipping a meal and then eating too much at the next one means that you have a higher total caloric intake than if you just ate more frequently throughout the day. A better approach is to eat smaller frequent healthy meals and snacks to keep your blood sugar balanced.
Gloria Tsang
Question of the week?
Q: If I miss more than a few days of exercising, I get really sore following my first workout back. Any tips that can help me avoid this?
A: Muscle soreness occurs when muscles are pushed farther then they are accustomed. This can happen if you haven't worked out in a while, you try a new exercise for the first time, or if you make an increase in weight or reps during your daily routine. A small amount of soreness isn't harmful and usually dissipates as you get your body warmed up and moving.
If your soreness keeps you from doing your everyday activities in the 24 to 48 hours after your workout, you are probably doing too much on your first day back to the gym. To avoid being overly sore, don't try to do the same workout you did when you were going to the gym regularly. To allow time for your body to adapt, scale back the amount of weight, the amount of reps, or even both. Doing a "cool down" routine after your workout will also help keep soreness at bay. Try walking for 10 minutes and doing some gentle stretching.
Whether you experience light or heavy soreness, the quickest way to alleviate the pain is to get the body moving again. While it might be tempting to stay stationary on the couch and wait for the soreness to go away, inactivity will actually keep your body sore for longer and make your muscles tighter. Instead, do a light workout such as walking, slow swimming, and gentle stretching. Or, you can do the warm-up routine you usually do before a heavy workout. This light activity will help increase the muscle temperature and blood flow, which will help your muscles recover and get you ready for your next regular workout.
Leslie McNab

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Journey of Strength: Mastering the Push Up

It amazes me how many athletes walk through my doors and are not able to do a basic Push Up with the correct movement pattern. I have been here for a year and have seen only two athletes reach 30 reps on our push up test. Last spring I had two offensive lineman come through who could not perform more than 5 Push Ups BETWEEN them. Their job as an offensive lineman is to block, push, and move their opponent's body. How can you ask these athletes to push their opponent's body-weight around when they can not push and control their own weight!

We need to ask our selves are we progressing or regressing our athletes?

I ask this questions because so many strength programs involve around the "Big Three": Back Squat, BENCH PRESS, and Power Clean and they intend to neglect the efficiency of the movement patterns. My philosophy and progressions has always been to "master your body-weight before adding external resistance."

The inability to perform a Push Up with correct form could be a sign of structural weakness or movement dysfunction. Because of the influence of faulty mechanics have on performance and the prevalence of overuse injuries in sport and sport-specific training, athletes who have a faulty Push Up pattern should go through a proper program that progresses the athlete to perform a correct push up pattern.

Athletic Republic's Criteria for the Push Up:

  • Head centered and held stable
  • Shoulders held back and down away from ears
  • Elbows tucked to the side
  • Thoracic spine neutral - with fluid and controlled scapulae movement
  • Lumbar spine in neutral
  • Hips aligned with the ankles, knees, and shoulders
  • Knees aligned wit the ankles and hips
  • Feet/Ankles aligned with knees
  • MUST touch the baseball with the chest.

Athletic Republic's Push Up Progression Level 1:

Push Up Progression Level 1 goal is to get our athletes doing a basic Push Up with the correct movement pattern. All athletes will go through Level 1 Progression, but not every athlete will follow the same progression.

Beginner Standard: Any athlete that does 0-10 reps on test day will start at Step 1.

Intermediate Athlete: Any athlete that does 11-19 reps on test day will start at Step 3.

Advance Athlete: Any athlete that does 20- 30 reps on test day will start at Step 5.

Elite Athletes: Any athlete that does 31 or more reps on test day will start at Step 6 and use the Elite Athlete progression.

Push Up Progression Level 1: (click to view)

  1. Wall Push Up
  2. Incline Push Up
  3. Kneeling Push Up
  4. 1/2 Push Up
  5. Classic Push Up

Rep Progression is as follows for each drill:

Week 1 3x10
Week 2 3x20
Week 3 3x30

If an athlete has done 31 or more reps on test day they are considered Elite and should follow the Elite Athlete Progression:

Week 1 3x30
Week 2 3x40
Week 3 3x50

Learn to master your body before you master an external object/resistance. Once you have mastered the Push Up come talk to me about Level 2 Push Up Progression and how to advance to doing a One Arm Push Up.

Your Coach,

Friday, October 1, 2010

At What Age Should You Start Lifting Weights?

Prior to puberty (13 or 14 years of age), most youngsters lack the muscular and skeletal development required to safely participate in a vigorous weight training program. This does not mean, however, that they should not engage in strength training activities.

Children as young as seven who can follow directions, use correct exercise technique and have discipline, can improve muscular strength and endurance by doing callisthenic-type exercises.

Regardless of age, the first year of formalized training should be to learn correct exercise technique and develop a general fitness base.

Exercises should be fun and include activities for the total body using only body weight as resistance. Children should workout three times per week and do 1x 10-15 reps of jumping jacks, push ups, pull-ups, dips, sit-ups, squats, lunges, step-ups, step-downs, etc. to strengthen the body core (legs, hips, abdomen and back). They should also learn basic running mechanics and play simple games involving starts, stops, relays, shuttles, hopping, jumping, skipping, swinging and throwing to improve agility, balance and coordination (ABC). Keep the volume low. Over training can cause a loss of interest and/or injury.

At 9-10 years of age, most children are physically ready to begin training with light external resistance. Start with DBs. Do 1x 10x5 lb for the hips and legs and 1x 10x2 lb for the upper body. Keep the exercises simple and monitor how the child tolerates the stresses of training.

Do a total body program using DB squat, step-up and lunge for the legs; DB bench press, arm curl, triceps kickback and forearm exercises for the upper body and MD ball swings and twists for the trunk. Gradually build to 2x 10-15 with 1-10 lb resistance. Introduce squat and touch (SAT), push up plus, simple plyometric drills (tuck, pike and split jump), backward skips, backward runs and moderate intensity games and relays for ABC.

The 11-13 year-old group should continue the basic exercises using light resistance and be introduced to more advanced exercises (lat pulls, leg press, leg curl, leg extension, calf raise, rows and shrugs) with little or no resistance. Add MD ball throws and sit-ups for the trunk. Run forward and backwards and laterally, do plyometrics (hops and jumps), play games and run relays for ABC. Start with 2x10 and build to 2x15).

Add sport-specific exercises and increase the volume of training at 14-15 years of age. Start with 2x10 and build to 3x10. Introduce walking, lateral and crossover lunges, power step-ups and box crossovers for the legs. Do bench, incline press and/or flys for the chest, rows for the back and back squats and lunges for the legs. Hop 1-2 times before doing MD ball throws to strengthen the trunk. Do agility ladders, run 1.5 miles and do sprints and interval runs on alternate days.

By age 16, most athletes are ready for entry level adult programs, but only if they have gained a basic level of training experience. Start with higher volume - lower intensity work and gradually build to lower volume - higher intensity work. Begin with 3x10. Gradually add resistance and build to 3x6. When they can do 3x6, reduce the weight until they can do 3x10 and gradually build to 3x6 with a heavier weight. Avoid max or near-max lifts until age 18 or older. For max safety, avoid training with loads that cannot be lifted at least six times. Continue to do distance, sprint, interval, plyometric, abdominal and ABC work.

Children are not miniature adults and therefore should not use programs designed for adults. They lack the physical development, emotional maturity and training background to safely perform adult- orientated programs.

Gene Coleman